IDB News

Millington Industrial Development Board

7965 Veterans Parkway, Suite 101
Millington, TN 38053
Direct: 901-873-5790

Contact Us

March 7, 2024

Aldi's has opened! In partnership with the Millington Chamber of Commerce, the MIDB welcomed the new store to Millington. Aldi's is the second store in the Forked River Commons shopping center to open, the first being pOpShelf. Check out both Aldi's and pOpShelf and help us support our newest local stores! 

February 12, 2024

Congratulations to Rod Loggins on his appointment to the Industrial Development Board!

February 9, 2024

Congratulations to Cary E. Vaughn on being elected Chairman of the IDB and to Greg Moody on his re-election of Vice Chairman of the IDB!

December 8, 2023

The IDB said farewell to Chairman Keith Barger during his resignation at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on December 8, 2023. Mr. Barger served on the Board for ten years, the last two of which he presided as Chairman. Thank you, Mr. Barger, for your long years of service to the IDB and to the citizens of Millington!

May 12,2023

The IDB said farewell to Director Charles Reed and wished him well! Thank you for your long years of service to the Industrial Development Board of the City of Millington, Tennessee!

April 14, 2023

The IDB said farewell to Secretary/Treasurer Danny Brown and wished him well on his new adventures! Thank you for your service to the Industrial Development Board of the City of Millington, Tennessee! Director John Perales was elected to the office of Secretary/Treasurer.

June 18 & 19, 2022

With more than 30,000 guests attending, the Midsouth Airshow was a hit! The IDB is proud to have been a sponsor of the show and glad for the opportunity to showcase the benefits that this great airport can offer our community. 

June 16, 2022

IDB Staff participated in the 2022 Mega Health & Workforce Expo sponsored by the Millington Area Chamber of Commerce. Guests visited the many booths at the Expo, the IDB's among them, and had the opportunity to learn more about the IDB and what it does for the Millington community.

May 1, 2022

The IDB welcomes Jon Crisp to its staff, as its new Executive Director.

January 14, 2022

At its regularly scheduled board meeting, the Millington Industrial Development Board welcomed its two new directors and elected new officers for the board. The new officers are Keith Barger, Chairman; Greg Moody, Vice Chairman; and Danny Brown, Secretary/Treasurer.

January 6, 2022

The City of Millington appointed two new members to the IDB, John Perales and Jack Langford. The IDB is excited for the opportunity to work with these strong community-minded individuals.

December 31, 2021

After many years of service and great work provided to the Millington Industrial Development Board, Executive Director Charles Gulotta has retired. The MIDB staff and Board of Directors wishes Mr. Gulotta the very best in this new chapter of his life, and will always be grateful for the many good things he has accomplished for the MIDB. 

December 23, 2021

The terms of Carey Parham, Chairman, and Tommy Whitlock, Vice Chairman, have ended. The IDB thanks both Mr. Parham and Mr. Whitlock for the many years of great service they have provided and wishes them well in their future endeavors.

November 1, 2021

Attorneys closed on the sale of over 70 acres of MIDB property to developers of the Astoria Place Tax Increment Finance project.  This mixed use project will result in an investment of almost $100 million. This project is located along Navy Road. It borders the Naval Support Activity Mid South facility. 

November 1, 2021

The Shelby County Commission gave final approval for the Forked River Commons Tax Increment Finance project. This $30 million project will add significant retail investment for Millington. The project location is at the intersection of US Highway 51 North and West Union in Millington.

October 15, 2021

The Millington IDB approved the Economic Impact Plan for the Forked River Commons TIF project. It will be presented to the City of Millington and to Shelby County in October. The project calls for a retail development project at the intersection of West Union Avenue and US Highway 51 N.

September 20, 2021

The Millington Planning Commission reveiwed and accepted the Engineering Plat for Ryburn Cove.

September 7, 2021

Deanna Grigsby joined the staff of the MIDB as our new Office Manager. Rosemarie Deming retired. She joined the MIDB staff in 2006. 

August 23, 2021

The Shelby County Commission approved a TIF amendment for the Millington Farms retail development, Phase I. A 55,000 square foot retailer will be the first tenant. The amendment was previously approved by the MIDB and the City of Millington.

August 23, 2021

The Shelby County Commission approved a TIF for Centennial Place, Millington. The project was previously approved by the IDB and City of Millington. The project calls for a mixed use retail and town home devleopment. The total development cost would exceed $95 million.

May 21, 2021

The IDB signed a Sales Agreement to sell 400+ acres to a firm which will develop a medical device company. The business plan calls for the company to sterilize medical devices.

May 10, 2021

The MIDB made a $100,000 contribution to the Millington School District. The funds were earmarked for support of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math program.

March 30, 2021

The IDB and the West Tennessee Credit Union have signed a contract for the sale of a three acre site for a new credit union. The land is located at the intersection of Dakar and Veterans Parkway, Millington.  

March 15, 2021

The IDB sold a ten acre site along Singleton Extended to Hale Trucking. Hale operates a trucking terminal.

October 15, 2020

The PILOT for Ingram Micro has been finalized and registed with Shelby County. It is effective from September 28, 2020 through September 28, 2026.

February 10, 2021

The IDB worked with MLGW to help secure an easement from a private landholder for uitlity line upgrades. The result is additional megawatt capacity on IDB property along Veterans Parkway.

October 1, 2020

Tolbert Farms was the successful bidder for leasing 221 acres of Millington IDB property. The lease dates are January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025. Tolbert Farms will farm the land during the term of the lease.   

August 1, 2020

Systems Plus of Tennessee has leased additional space in the IDB building at 7965 Veterans Parkway. The company designs and builds circuitry for assembly lines. This expansion has resulted in additional jobs for the community and additional income for the MIDB.

July 15, 2020

ParCou leased two additional suites in the IDB building at 7965 Veterans Parkway, Millington. This company cleans schools. This move has resulted in additional jobs for the community and additional income for the MIDB.

May 29, 2020

The MIDB completed the sale of a five acre lot at the corner of Navy and Astoria Roads. The purchaser plans to develop a fueling station and retail operation at the location. 

May 15, 2020

The MIllington IDB approved a six year Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) application from Ingram Micro. The project is designed to keep this company in the community until the last quarter of 2026. The company committed to maintain 484 permanent full time jobs at their Millington facility. The project will be presented to Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris for his approval. 

March 3-March 23, 2020

During this time period the Millington IDB, the City of Millington and the Shelby County Commission approved an Economic Impact Plan for the Millington Farms Tax Increment Financing (TIF) project. This TIF, upon completion, is designed to create $15 million of new public infrastrucure in support of new development in housing, retail, office, hotel, medical, and recreation services.

March 15, 2020

Astoria Road improvements at the Millington Airport have been completed. This $3+ million project will provide a municipally owned roadway from Navy Road to the Millington Airport Terminal. Publicly owned property was also improved.

February 28, 2020

The IDB submitted paperwork to the State of Tennessee to apply for a Certified Site Determination for its 103 acre property along Veterans Parkway. 

October 30, 2019

The MIDB signed a Sales Agreement to sell 5+ acres of property at the intersection of Navy and Astoria Roads. The land will be used as a fueling and retail center.  

October 15, 2019

The IDB engaged DozerTrax to demolish a large concrete structure on former Navy land. The demolition is an ongoing effort by the IDB to make former US Government property suitable for reuse at the Millington Airport.

September 30, 2019

Gil Ryan was selected by the MIDB as the MIDB Development Partner in conjunction with the effort to complete requirements to construct a Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Millington. Mr. Ryan and his associates responded to a Request for Qualifications published in the Memphis Daily News. 

August 15, 2019

A contract with signed with DozerTrax to demolish two underground storage tanks on IDB property adjacent to Veterans Parkway. The tanks were constructed by the US Navy in the World War II era. They were designed to store fuel for pilot training carried out at the Millington Airport. The site has been environmentally cleared by all agencies of state and federal government. 

July 25, 2019

The Millington IDB successfully completed the sale of 11.8 acres of land to Hale Trucking. A portion of the property was previously leased to Hale by the IDB. Hale will construct a permanent shop on the site for his trucking company. His site partially borders land which the MIDB sold to the Roadmaster Truck Driving School.

July 24, 2019

MIDB staff joined Millington Mayor Terry Jones and Millington Area Chamber Director Terry Roland in making a Millington Opportunity Zone presentation of HUD Deputy Undersecretary Byrd concerning issues, challenges and expectations of the Millington Opportunity Zone. Mr. Byrd concluded his day with a bus tour of Millington. He was accompanied by members of the Shelby County Commission.

June 18, 2019

TVA staff and consultants visited the Millington Memphis Airport to discuss a Site Preparation Grant. The Airport has applied for a $500,000 grant to renovate a wing at Hangar 126 at the Airport. IDB staff and Chairman Parham particiapted in the presentation. The Site Preparation grant is very competitive. The presentation was designed to position the Airport in the most competitive position to receive the award. A grant of $400,000 was awarded to the Airport Authority based on this effort. 

June 1, 2019 

IDB staff and Matt Brown of the Silicon Ranch staff made a presentation to over 50 Millington citizens at the First United Methodist Church concerning the Millington Solar Farm project. The history of the project along with the intended results were discussed. 

April 30, 2019

IDB staff was one of numerous volunteers who made presentations to Millington Middle School Students during Career Day. 

April 23, 2019

The 53 Megawatt Millington IDB, US Navy, and TVA solar farm wa officially opened with a ceremony at the solar farm site. Almost 200 participated in the event. Ten megawatts are being sent to the NSA MId-South facility in MIllington. Forty three megawatts are being sent to the TVA Substation on Mudville Road approximately 6 miles from the solar farm.

March 20, 2019

MIDB staff particiapted in the Blue Carpet Tour of national industrial site location consultants to Shelby County. The program is an ongoing event sponsored by the Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce. Staff networked with consultants at a number of business and social functions. We marketed the fact that Millington possesses significant shovel ready industrial sites.

March 15, 2019

MIDB and Millington Chamber staff are working with the US Navy, Tennessee Valley Authority, the City of Millington, and Silicon Ranch for a ceremony to "Light the Switch" to the 53 alternating current megawatt solar farm in Millington. The MIDB was a key player in the project. Almost 350 acres of MIDB land were sold to make the site economically feasible. The project will send approximately 10 megawatts of power to the Naval Support Activity Mid-South facility in Millington. The ceremony is scheduled for April 23, 2019.  

March 8, 2019

A low bid of $2,196,742.35 was received by the City of Millington from Enscore for work on the Astoria Road project. This Federal Lands Access Program grant combined with funds from the Delta Regional Authority and the Millington Industrial Development Board will improve an existing roadway and create new road infrastructure at the Millington Airport. The project is designed for completion during the summer of 2019.  

January 15, 2019

The MIDB signed a three year lease with former Shelby County Public Works Director Tom Needham. Mr. Needham will occupy space in IDB Suite 108 at 7965 Veterans Parkway. He will operate a private sector engineering office.

January 11, 2019

The process has begun to sell land to Hale Trucking. This firm leases land along Singleton extended. They would like to acquire their leasehold interest plus adjacent land. Their objective is to costruct permanent facilities on land they own rather than lease.  

January 11, 2019 

The IDB signed a contract with Dozer Trax to demolish two underground storage tanks along Veterans Parkway.  Each tank has a capacity exceeding 400,000 gallons. The tanks were designed and built to provide aviation fuel to planes used to train Navy pilots. The tanks have been drained and cleaned prior to the IDB taking possession of them. Demolition is expected to begin during the Spring of 2019.

December 26, 2018

Final closing on the sale of land to Roadmaster took place today. The IDB sold 27.8 acres to the Commercial Drivers License operation. We anticipate that Roadmaster will begin the development of permanent facilities on their site in 2019.

December 4, 2018

The IDB participated on the ribbon cutting for the new Inman Murphy headquarters on Veterans Parkway. The IDB sold the 4 acre site to Inman Murphy. The new building complies with the guidelines for the Veterans Parkway Corridor Study. The Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce coordinated the ceremonies along with Inman Murphy.

December 4, 2018

IDB staff attended a seminar explaining proposed final regulations for the Opportunity Zone program. The State of Tennessee in cooperation with the University of Memphis were responsible for the program. IDB staff circulated the guidelines to a potential user of the Opportunity Zone program. 

November 5, 2018

Staff traveled to Atlanta to make a presenation to a German manufacturer looking to establish their first US manufacturing facility somewhere in the Southeast United States. The State of Tennessee and the Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce assisted in the presentation. MIllington made the first cut in the competition for the site. However, we were not chosen for the plant location.

September 19, 2019

MIllington Public Safety Director Gary Graves reports that Milllington recently achieved a fire insurance rating of 3. This outstanding rating will lower fire insurance costs for business and individuals in the Millington Fire Service Area. This rating displays the highest levels of professionalism and investment in  our Fire Department.

September 18, 2018

The City of Millington and the IDB have agreed to carry out a number of land related actions to facilitate the sale of IDB land to Roadmaster. The Millington Planning Commission changed its policies to permit more than one user to access a private easement. The private easement was necessary to complete the sale of 27.8 acres of IDB land to Roadmaster. The access to the Roadmaster site was owned by the IDB. Roadmaster and the IDB also agreed in principle to a Non Exclusive Maintenance Agreement. This agreement outlines Roadmaster's responsibilities for maintaining the access to the soon to be purchased site. 

July 16, 2018

The City of Millington voted to advertise for bids for the city's $2.9 million dollar Federal Lands Access Program Grant. The project will improve and create new road infrastructure along the Astoria/Funafuti Road corridor at the Millington Airport. The Millington IDB contributed over $160,000 in matching funds for the project. The roadway will provide a new public link between the Millington Airport Terminal and the Naval Support Activity MId-South base along Navy Road. 

June 15, 2018

Three Millington Census Tracts have been included in the federal Opportunity Zone program. Staff is awaiting the issuance of final regulations. Local banks and stakeholders have been notified of our acceptance.

May 18, 2018

IDB staff traveled to Nashville and made a Millington workforce presentation to TVA industrial marketers. The presentation outlined the unique workforce assets Millington possesses. A key part of the presentation involved a report on the hundreds of Navy personnel seperated from the Navy every year who are entering the workforce. These trained, disciplined, and motivated people present a much sought after asset in today's workforce. Based on this presentation the IDB was awarded a grant of $2,500 for economic development activities. 

April 21, 2018

The IDB has begun implementing a plan to remove Navy Lake from US Navy supplied water. The action was taken in conjunction with coordination with the Navy and our solar farm developer Silicon Ranch. The action expedited the target date of December, 2024 for removal of US Navy supplied utilities. 

February 14, 2018

Three MIllington Census Tracts are eligible for inclusion in the federal Opportunity Zone Program. This tax incentive opportunity allows individuals or organizations to direct as of yet unreceived capital gains into development projects in the target census tracts. The Governor will determine which tracts he will recommend to the US Treasury for inclusion in the program. 

January 5, 2018

The State of Tennessee awarded the Millington Airport Authority a grant of $2,366,000. Funds will be utilized to refurbish hangar N-126 at the Millington Municipal Airport.   An aircraft related business has expressed interest in the hangar. The Millington IDB committed $100,000 in matching funds for the porject. Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell also committed $100,000 of county funds. 

November 30, 2017

The Millington IDB approved a Letter of Intent to sell Roadmaster truck driving school the site they currently lease from the MIDB. A survey will determine the final acreage. We anticiate that once the sale is complete, Roadmaster will construct permanent facilities on the site.  

November 3, 2017

The Millington IDB and Millington Chamber of Commerce cooperated on a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Inman Murphy headquarters. Chris Murphy, owner of Inman Murphy spoke about the high level of cooperation between his business and the IDB regarding his purchase of 4.005 acres from the IDB. Construction will begin in November with completion expected in mid to late 2018.  Employment is expected to increase from 20 to 40.

October 19, 2017

The Millington IDB began the process of developing a Brownfield Agreement with the State of Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation. The agreement would encompass the 90+ acre IDB property on Veterans Parkway. The contractural arrangement would give environmental comfort and clairty to business and industry wishing to develop all or part of the site. Complying with the terms and conditions of the Brownfield Agreement would ensure that the State of Tennessee would not take any negative environmental actions against devleopers of the property.  

October 9, 2017

The Millington IDB recently completed the sale of 4 acres to Inman Murphy Termite and Pest Control. This company will construct a new building and hire an additional 20 employees. Their total employment will increase to 40. IDB land sales during the past 3 years now totals 425 acres.  

September 25, 2017

The National Environmental Policy Act process has been complete for the Federal Lands Access Program Grant for the extension of Astoria Road at the Millington Airport.. Right of Way acquistion and final design are now underway. The project is scheduled to be bid in Spring of 2018. 

September 25, 2017

Millington IDB staff submitted site and community information regarding the Amazon HQ2 search.

July 25, 2017

IDB Vice Chairperson Tommy Whitlock has been assigned to represent the IDB during the development of the Millington Master Plan. The Planning Process is currently underway. A number of public meetings will be held to solicit input.

July 21, 2017

Land Sale to CTI

The Millington IDB completed the transfer of 9.62 acres of property to Crew Training International (CTI). CTI had outlined plans to utilize the site for dormitories for students it was training in its flight school. The site is across one street from their flight training school at the Millington Municipal Airport. The CTI facilities are located in facilities renovated by the Millington Municipal Airport Authority.

July 14, 2017

Regional Stormwater Detention Basin

Soil testing for the IDB's proposed Regional Stormwater Detention Basin showed the site can be excavated. Excellent soil results revealed that the site can be used for the stormwater basin. Also, the soils from the excavated site can be transfered and used as roadbed material for the Federal Lands Access Program grant along the proposed extension of Astoria Road at the Millington Airport. The location of the stormwater basin will be on the south side of Dakar Avenue adjacent to the Millington Fire Training Center.

June 15, 2017

New Tenant, ParCou 

ParCou, a new tenant in the MIDB Building at 7965 Veterans Parkway began their lease on June 15, 2017. This locally owned and managed business has a number of contracts to carry out janitorial services for various local institutions, including schools.

May 19, 2017

Navy Lake for Sale

The IDB recently voted to sell the 115 acre Navy Lake location. The site was leased by the Navy from the IDB for a 15 year time period. The site contains many facilities. They include a 3500 square foot event center, 24 recreational vehicle hookups, a bathhouse with showers, washing machines and dryer, three fishing lakes, a concrete stage with electrical hookups, two large pavilions suitable for reunions, business meetings and other large scale events, nine small picnic pavilions and other amenities. The IDB office should be contacted for more details.  

May 18, 2017

Support for Tourism

In an effort to support tourism and visitation to Millington the IDB leased land for parking for the Millington-Memphis Airshow. The IDB will also lease property so that a major multi-day car show can be held on IDB property adjacent to Navy Road on July 7,8, and 9th. 

May 12, 2017

Regional Stormwater Detention Basin

In an effort to provide more efficient location possibilities on IDB property near the airport, the IDB will carry out soil testing to determine the feasibility of develoing a regional storm water detention basis. If successful, the basis could be utilized by numerous businesses locating of IDB property near the Millington Airport. The stormwater detention basin will be along Dakar Avenue close to the Millington Fire Training Center.

May 12, 2017

Millington Air Show

The Millington Industrial Development Board is leasing land to the developers of the Millington Air Show for parking. The IDB's support will allow the public to have quality parking spaces in close proximinity to the air show, its vendors, and hospitality areas. 

Systems Plus of Tennessee

This firm recently rented space in the MIDB building at 7965 Veterans Parkway, Millington. Systems Plus was forced to relocate from a Navy owned and MIDB leased building. Maintaining this firm in Millington saved seven jobs for the community.  

Inman Murphy Termite and Pest Control

The MIDB is working to develop a 4 acre site for Inman Murphy Termite and Pest Control along Veterans Parkway. This location would encompass new offices for this firm. Twenty jobs would be created and 20 jobs would be saved for the community.

City Represenative to the MIDB

Mayor Terry Jones recently appointed Frankie Dakin to be the City of Millington's representative to the MIDB. Frankie replaces Chris Ford who is no longer a member of the City Board of Aldermen. The City's representative is a non voting member. His job is to keep the Mayor and Board up to date on the activities of the MIDB. The MIDB has seven voting members. They are appointed by the Mayor of Millington and confirmed by the Board of Aldermen.

Land Donation to the Millington Airport Authority

The MIDB recently completed paperwork to donate more than 35 acres of property to the Millington Airport Authority. More than 14 acres surrounding the Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) comprised one donation. This donation will make it possible for the Airport Authority to secure funds to upgrade the AWOS with state of the air equipment. A second donation comprised land bordering the airport fence on the west side of the airport. The Airport Authority is responsible for maintaining this property.

Navy Lake Lease

Smoky Mountain Catering has signed a one year lease with the MIDB to administer the 115 acre Navy Lake property. This firm was the food services provider at Navy Lake for many years. They will continue to run the site carrying out the generally accepted activities and projects which were run by the Navy. 

MIDB Website

The Millington IDB has recently contracted with MIdsouth Aerial Photography Solutions, a local Millington area firm, to shoot drone aerial footage of IDB industrial properties. This footage has been placed on the Sites section of this website.

Airport Authority Grant Award

The Millington IDB offered a $100,000 grant to the Millington Airport Authority. The funds will be used to try and secure a grant to expand the Airport Authority's administrative offices into a small airline terminal. A number of commuter airlines have expressed interest in establishing service at the Millington Airport. The lack of a facility for security, baggage handling, ticketing and related factors has been the major obstacle to landing scheduled services. Should the airport's efforts be successful, a major obstacle will be overcome to recruiting a commuter airline.  

TIF Incentive

The Millington IDB carried out its financing responsibilities under the Shoppes of Millington Farms Tax Increment Financing incentive. All project development funds were expended consistent with the TIF agreement. The result will be the location of 12 new businesses in Millington and the creation of 135,000 square feet of new retail.

New IDB Tenants

Beginning February 1, 2017, Systems Plus of Tennessee relocated from a Navy owned building into Suite 106 in the MIDB Building at 7965 Veterans Parkway. This locally owned business employs 8 people. They carry out circuit board assembly. Smoky Mountain Catering will begin their lease of the 115 acre Navy Lake site from the MIDB effective March 1, 2017. The Navy chose not to renew their lease with the MIDB. Smoky Mountain Catering was the firm providing catering at the Navy Lake site. They will continue operations of the facility, continuing all existing services.

Navy Lake Site

After leasing Navy Lake from the MIDB for fifteen years, the US Navy has decided to terminate its lease. Beginning on March 1st, 2017 the MIDB will assume responsibility of the 100+ acre site.

Site Location Consultants Blue Carper Tour

MIDB staff participated in a presentation to a group of national site location consultants. The group was invited to the area by the Memphis Chamber of Commerce. MIDB staff prepared a presentation, in conjunction with the other Shelby County suburban communities highlighting our competive advantages.

West Tennessee Solar Industries Association

IDB staff made a presentation at the annual meeting of the West Tennessee Solar Energy Industries Association.  IDB Executive Director Charles Gulotta outlined the process which the MIDB went through to secure the solar farm project. He discussed the positive relaitonship which were strengthened with the US Navy and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

TVA Marketing Grant

The MIDB is the recipient of a $3,500 grant from TVA in regard to a marketing presenation made by staff to TVA industrial recruiters. TVA invited local industrial developers to Nashville to outline our land and other resources which are available for our industrial recruitment program.

Millington Rotary Presentation

MIDB staff made a presentation to the Millington Rotary Club. The presentation outlined recent MIDB accomplishments, ongoing projects and long term objectives.

TVA Public Meeting

MIDB staff attended a TVA public meeting designed to secure input from local stakeholders regarding the best route of electric transmission lines from the recently announced solar farm to the TVA substation on Mudville Road. Those in attendance included Millington elected officials, US Navy representatives, local landowners, representatives from Silicon Ranch and others. Work on the transmission line will begin in 2017.

FLAP Grant Progress

MIDB Staff met with the City of Millington staff and engineers and others to discuss using MIDB land as a regional storm water detention  basin. This project will lower the cost of developing MIDB land in the area of the Millington Airport. Construction of the extension of Astoria Road, linking it with Funafuti will not start until Spring, 2018.

Airport Land Donation

The Millington Industrial Development Board (MIDB) agreed to donate two parcels of land to the Millington Airport Authority (MAA). One parcel consists of approximately 13+ acres. It surrounds the airport's Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS). In order for the MAA to secure grant funds to upgrade the AWOS, they must show ownership or a long term lease. The MIDB cannot develop land around the AWOS, so consequently, it agreed to donate the surrounding property. The MAA's western border fence is bordered by a very narrow strip of MIDB property. To create consistent land ownership, the MIDB also agreed to donate this property to the MAA. The agreement calls for the MAA to pay all costs for surveying, legal, recording and other associated fees.

Airport Land Sale Complete

The Millingotn Industrial Development Board recently completed the sale of 57.397 acres of land to the Millington Municipal Airport Authority. The sales price was $172,000. The Airport Authority will keep the land in reserve for a runway extension if and when needed. Proceeds of the sale were given to the City of Millington. Funds will be used as matching dollars for a $2.2 million Federal Lands Acces Program (FLAP) grant to develop new infrastructure adjacent to MIDB land at the Millington Airport. Other matching funds will come from right of way donated to the City by the MIDB and a $247,000 Delta Regional Authority grant awarded to the city for associated road and utility work.

Shops of Millington Farms Groundbreaking Ceremony

A groundbreaking ceremony for the Shops of Millington Farms shopping center is set for July 12th, 9:30 AM at the project site. All major stakeholders will be present to celebrate. This Tax Increment Financing project was a cooperative effort between the Millington Industrial Development Board, Shelby County Government, City of Millington, First Citizens National Bank and Ryan Commercial Properties. Construction is already underway. The center will be completed during the first quarter of 2017.

Airport Land Sale

The Millington IDB recently completed the sale of 57.397 acres of land to the Millington Airport Authority. The sales price was $172,000. The land will be placed in inventory by the Airport Authority and used if and when the existing runway will be expanded. The MIDB will contribute $160,060 of the sales price to the City of Millington as matching funds for a $2.2+ million Federal Lands Access Program grant to improve and create new roadways adjacent to the Millington Airport.  

West Tennessee Homebuilders  

The Millington Industrial Development Board cooperated with officials from the City of Millington, Shelby County Government and the Millington Chamber of Commerce in making a presentation to the West Tennessee Homebuilders Association. The objective was to peak the interest of area homebuilders in looking at Millington as a place for new home construction. The presentation was made at the Homebuilders administrative offices in Memphis.

Solar Farm Land Sale Complete 

The Millington Industrial Development Board recently completed the sale of almost 350 acres to Silicon Ranch, a solar farm developer. The land will be combined with over 70 acres of adjacent US Navy land for the project footprint. Construction will begin in 2017. New transmission lines will be constructed from the solar farm to the US Navy Base and to a nearby TVA power substation. Approximately 300 perons will be involved in constructing the project.

Shoppes of Millington Farms  

The Millington Industrial Development Board recently completed all requirements to utilize the Tennessee Tax Increment Financing program to fund $3.8 million of public infrastructure for the Shoppes of Millington Farms shopping center. The Shelby County Commission and City of Millington were essential participants in the project. The Millington Chamber of Commerce and Millington Planning Commission all played roles in bringing the shopping center to Millington. Construction has begun the second week of June. The project will be complete during the first quarter of 2017.

Solar Farm Groundbreaking Ceremony

The Millington IDB, Tennessee Valley Authority and the US Navy held a solar farm groundbreaking ceremony on Earth Day, June 22nd. The ceremony marked a milestone for the construction of 53 MW AC solar facility. The solar farm will encompass over 400 acres. The MIDB will sell over 330 acres to Silicon Ranch, the facility developer. The farm will generate enough electricity to power 7,500 homes. Five hundred and eighty thousand solar panels will be installed. Construction will begin 1n 2017. Completion will be in 2018.

Stables Area

The Millington IDB has ended its lease agreement with the US Navy for the Stables Area. This location has been used by the Navy as a recreation area for its sailors and others for many decades. An option has been signed with a solar development company to purchase and develop a significant solar project of the former stables area. Once all details of the project have been finalized, the MIDB will work with all of the project stakeholders on a press release.

FLAP Grant Awarded

The City of Millington has been awarded a Federal Lands Access Program grant in the amount of $2,927,950. Local matching funds total $585,590. The total project cost is $2,927,950. The project will provide a multi lane access from the Millington Airport to a main entrance of the Naval Support Activity base. The project will extend Astoria Road and connect it with Funafuti Street along the south border of the Crew Training International Headquarters. Millington IDB property will be provided with multi lane road and utility access where none existed before.

Consultants Meeting

IDB staff attending a site location consultant's meeting in Memphis. Staff interacted with national site location consultants, the Director of the State of Tennessee Office of Economic and Community Development, and numerous other stakeholders involved in Shelby County economic development. Telling the story of Millington to key economic development decision makers is an important marketing activity for the community.

Crew Training International

Millington IDB staff attended a Millington Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on November 23rd in order to support a sign variance request from Crew Training International. Staff testified to support the variance request from CTI. The Board of Zoning Appeals unanimously approved the request.

US Marine Corps Reserve Center

The US Marine Corps opened its Millington location in October, 2015. Over ten full time USMC uniformed personnel man the center. Monthly meetings bring over 100 USMC Reservists to Millington for training and drills. The Reserve Center is located on the Naval Support Activity Base south of Navy Road.

Workforce 360

The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD), in partnership with the Tennessee Deparments of Labor and Workforce Development, Education, Board of Regents, Higher Education Commission and Human Resources will hold a meeting at the University of Memphis, Millington Branch on October 7th from 1:30 PM  until 3:00 PM. There will be discussions regarding workforce gaps and stragegies to streamline solutions  regarding workforce issues. Current workforce challenges for existing Tennessee industry will be a major topic of discussion. MIDB staff will be in attendance.

Naval Support Activity Mid South Commanding Officer

The Millington Industrial Development Board (MIDB) is pleased to welcome new Naval Support Activity Mid South Commanding Officer David Bryson to Millington. The MIDB prides itself in being an outstanding partner to the Navy in many ongoing short and long term ventures.

Solar Farm

At the Millington IDB meeting on September 11th, the Board agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the US Navy, Tennessee Valley Authority and Memphil Light Gas and Water. The MOU will outline the intent of all parties to try and complete the requirements for a significant solar farm to be built on the former Navy Stables Area. The MIDB will commit over 300 acres of its property to the venture.

Hale Trucking

Hale Trucking has signed a short term lease with the Milington Industrial Development Board. This firm signed a lease for 2+ acres of property along Singleton Road Extended. 

Sheehan Pipeline Construction

Sheehan Pipeline Construction is a new tenant in the MIDB Building on Veterans Parkway. This firm will occupy two suites and also rent MIDB land near the Millington Airport. Sheehan is carrying out interstate pipeline work in the Shelby County area. Over 70 company employees will be coming and going from the leased MIDB faciliites. The lease is on a short term month to month basis.

Requests for Proposals

During the month of July the Millington IDB has submitted two proposals to the State of Tennessee Office of Economic and Community Development for manufacturing projects. The IDB maintains data bases necessary to respond to projects from the State, TVA, and private sector consultants.

Small Community Air Service Development Grant

The Millington IDB is cooperating with the Millington Airport Authority in submitting a Small Community Air Service Development Grant. The grant will be used as an incentive to attract scheduled airline service to Millington.

Airport Land Sale

The Millington IDB will sell a 57+ acre site to the Millington Airport Authority. The land will be banked for future use. Long term the Airport Authority will have the land available for a potential runway extension.

Crew Training International

Crew Training International (CTI) cut the ribbon for their new facility at the Millington Municipal Airport. A 20,000 square foot hangar was renovated for their use by the Millington Airport Authority.  The  State of Tennessee awarded the City of Millington a grant to extend utility lines to a site which CTI will purchase from the Millington Industrial Developmetn Board. CTI will eventually construct dormitories for flight students. The Delta Regional Authority has also awarded the City of Millington a grant to reconstruct a roadway adjacent to the renovated hangar and the future housing site.

Roadmaster Truck Driver Training School

The Millington Industrial Development Board has leased a 25 acre site to Roadmaster for a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) training school. Roadmaster will begin operations in early August, 2015. Approximately 30 people will be employed by Roadmaster. CDLs are the required license for tractor trailer truck drivers. The site was previously occupied by Swift Transportation. Swift consolidated its operations at their terminal on Brooks Road earlier in 2015.